What Does the Missional Church Look Like? @TheHighCalling

The story of ORB.

Christian Andrews was in his sixth year of studies at Princeton Theological Seminary when he walked away from those studies to help a small proof of the garden stategroup of Christians reach out to youth in his home town of Red Bank, New Jersey.

“This group over time began to sense that God had called them together to do ministry with high school students. They sensed that in the joy they received from doing it, in the effectiveness of their work, and in the way it brought them to life,” said Andrews.

“They wanted someone to live in this town and facilitate their doing the work they felt called to—not someone to come and do ministry for them, but to equip them to do ministry,” he explained.

Andrews began to live in Red Bank “with eyes that were formed by this idea that what God had done in Christ was done for all people and that the difference between me and another person might just be that they haven’t come to know it yet and I’ve been given to know it and that I should live in such a way that maybe God would use me to help them see,” he said….

Read the whole thing at The High Calling. You’ll be inspired or challenged or both.

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